Box Office Prophets proudly announces
...the 2004 Calvin Awards

I loves me some Me.

It's time once again for The Calvin Awards, Box Office Prophets' contribution to the over-clogged Awards season. This is the third edition of these awards in this incarnation, and they continue to grow in scale, as this year we've added three new awards, honoring more bests and worsts. Soon we hope to have an awards ceremony that dwarfs the Earth in its scope. A guy can dream, can't he?

As usual, we hold no cows sacred and boldly play favorites; several Oscar nominated films show up and make appearances, but several others that have been relegated to the back of the auditorium or were not even invited to the party get to play here, making fun of all the keeners at the big dance known as the Oscars. Of course, the Academy had to go and spoil our fun by actually making some interesting choices this year, but we'll take what we can get. Until X2 gets equal consideration with Mystic River as a potential Best Picture, there'll always be a place for The Calvins.

In an unabashed attempt to create some suspense, we're revealing our awards slowly over the next week, so don't forget to check back as more and more prizes are revealed and our voters explain their crazy lists of favorites. (Reagen Sulewski/BOP)

2004 Calvin Awards

  • Best Picture
  • Best Director
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Best Supporting Actor
  • Best Supporting Actress
  • Best Cast
  • Best Screenplay
  • Best Overlooked Film
  • Best Scene
  • Best Use of Music
  • Worst Picture
  • Worst Performance
  • Best Trailer
  • Best Breakthrough Performance
  • Best DVD
  • Best Special Effects

    See our 2003 Awards
    See our 2002 Awards


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    Friday, March 14, 2025
    © 2006 Box Office Prophets, a division of One Of Us, Inc.