Episode Twelve: The Amazon Heats Up
By Dan Krovich
It's something of an odd phenomenon that as we come to the end of each
season, when it should be getting more suspenseful and exciting, I find that
it becomes less interesting to do this recap. Basically, there's not much more to
say about anyone. We all know the characters by now, so how many more times
can you say that Rob is conniving and Heidi is an airhead? To add to that,
we begin with Rob flat out explaining the end game to Heidi and Jenna. The
plan is to vote out Heidi, while Jenna remains with Matt, Butch, and Rob in
the final four. Rob brings up the slight possibility that he might be
willing to flip flop again, but then decides that maybe he would like to
leave at least one person without a knife in their back this game.
Meanwhile, Butch has apparently replaced Matt as the resident crazy person
as he has developed an unnatural obsession with his wood. Though there is
already more than enough firewood to last the rest of the game, Butch seems
to want to gather more dry wood. It basically seems to be a matter finding
something to do, but Butch is probably single-handedly responsible for 25%
of the rainforest deforestation this past year. (To help counteract Butch's
actions, you may want to visit the Karma Page and click on one of the rainforest
links.) Any question of Butch's insanity is put to rest when he decides to
do his wood dance. Words can not describe the spastic convulsions that
Butch goes through and calls "dancing."
The tribe heads off to the reward challenge, leaving all their firewood
behind at the camp. The reward challenge is a recap of several of the
previous challenges, and the prize is a new Saturn Ion and a tailgate party.
The three guys jump out to the lead and leave the two girls in their dust
(in fact Heidi never makes it out of the first station). Matt ultimately
wins the car and chooses Rob to be his guest for the tailgate party. Rob
also convinces Matt to agree to let Rob borrow the car to cruise for chicks,
because you know there's nothing a chick digs more than a shiny new, uh,
Matt and Rob begin their private barbecue, and through the magic of editing,
at the exact same time, the Jacare camp has its own barbecue. It seems that
they left the fire burning a bit too high at camp when they left for the
challenge, and with all that wood around, you can guess what happened next.
Smokey the Bear says, "Only you can prevent forest fires." It's also very
convenient that there is a cameraperson around to catch even the initial
stages of the fire, just like in past seasons when there conveniently was a
cameraperson around as the canoe floated away and the fishing net
vanished. Not that I mean to imply anything. I'm just saying. It does
also bring up the question about at what stage does the Survivor crew stop
being impartial observers and start taking steps to insure that they don't
burn down the entire Amazonian rainforest.
They return to camp to witness the aftermath. Everybody's stuff was burned
except for Heidi's pack, which was apparently flame retardant. Maybe it was
made of the same material as her breasts. Jenna has lost some items that
apparently are irreplaceable and carry sentimental value. Lesson learned -
it's probably not a good idea to bring valuables with you into the middle of
the Amazon. The tribe doesn't point fingers publicly, but a quick vote
behind the scenes lays the blame squarely on Butch.
The guys begin on rebuilding a shelter to replace the burned down one, while
Jenna and Heidi just sit back and watch. Their thought is that they don't
see why they should bother doing work when they know they are going to be
voted out next. That makes sense, and it nicely rounds out the Heidi and
Jenna logic from throughout the season. If you know you're going to get
voted out, don't contribute any work to the tribe. If you are in the
alliance that appears to have control, don't contribute any work to the
tribe. If it's day one and things are still up in the air, don't contribute
any work to the tribe. You have to admit that there at least is a nice
consistency to it all.
The immunity challenge turns out to be a ropes course with five different
obstacles. It very quickly becomes obvious that Matthew was successful in
making sure he is far and away the most physically fit of the remaining
players. He will easily win any physical challenge at this point, and he
wins this immunity challenge in a walk.
Heidi was told in the first few minutes of the show that she would be voted
out next, but after the immunity challenge, Jenna falls apart. She's not
feeling well, and she's whiney - a complete change from when she felt she
was in control of the game. Heidi uses this as an opportunity to lobby the
guys to vote Jenna out as a pity elimination next instead of her. During
tribal council, Jeff asks Heidi if she feels like she deserves to be in the
final two. Heidi's answer is completely full of ridiculously overstated self
praise about how she alone has personally engineered the game so far
and how she is obviously the best Survivor player ever. This response produces some of the
best reactions ever from the other players. Even jury member Dave can't do
anything but shake his head and bury his face in his hands. While it may
have looked like she put the final nail in her coffin with that answer, it's more
likely she was absolutely certain that she was being voted out anyway and
was using one last opportunity to self-aggrandize. Heidi is in fact voted
out by a vote of three to two.
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