Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X - Episode Recap

Episode 6 - The Truth Works Well

By Jim Van Nest - Gen X'er

November 2, 2016

She's no longer with Taylor. Check Google to see why.

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Hello, good people, and welcome to Episode 6 of Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X. Last week, Jeff changed the game by swapping tribes and creating a new green tribe. Millennials vs Gen X is no more - at least not by Tribe Division anyway. The generations are still very much in battle. At the new Vanua tribe, though, Chris and David crossed generational lines and joined Zeke and Michelle in voting off challenge liability CeCe. Over at Takali, "FigTails" have decided to keep their budding sho-mance a secret from Ken and Gen X Jessica. Adam finds himself smack in the middle of the tribe, with the happy couple on one side and the newly realigned Ken and Jessica on the other. So, he's in a decent spot right now, and let's not forget he has the original Millennial hidden idol.

Finally, we have the new tribe, Ikabula which was forced to start from scratch with their entire camp. To make up for the extra work, they were given the extra person at the swap. There's a 4-2 Millennial advantage here and all four get along very well. Will and Hannah are close, while Michaela has been working with Jay. Also, they are killing it in the challenges, especially Jay and Michaela - both of whom are making very solid cases to win this whole season. They're likable, hard workers and challenge beasts. After five episodes, I'd consider either of them winning a satisfying conclusion. Bret and Sunday round out the new green tribe and they're very likable and are fitting in well. This is a very solid tribe right now. It'll be interesting to see what happens should they lose a challenge. I expect the kids will stick together and drop one of the Gen X'ers. I must say, though, if the last challenge was any indication - they're in no danger of heading to Tribal any time soon.

All righty - I think I've set the table pretty well. Let's get to the episode.


We begin at Vanua right after Tribal Council. Zeke tells us that the Gen Xers were so dumb to get rid of CeCe and that he's all of a sudden in a power position in the tribe with Chris. Meanwhile David thinks that getting rid of CeCe had to be done and that he's also in a better place moving forward.

Morning rises at Ikabula on Day 16, and we find the entire tribe getting hungry and cranky. Jay and Will take a walk and decide to do some idol hunting. After a long search, Jay finally finds the tribe color on a piece of bamboo. He busts it open and he and Will have the green hidden immunity idol. As they cement their alliance and prepare to run the game, Michaela runs up on them and discovers that they found the idol. So, I guess now it's a trio. Michaela doesn't really think that idol would have anything to do with her, but she'll keep their secret for now. But if she gets wind of something going down, "I'm snitchin'." Roll the credits.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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