Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance Recap

Episode 3 - We Got A Rat

By Jim Van Nest

October 12, 2015

All this has happened before and will happen again.

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Hello, good people, and welcome back to Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance! We're up to Episode 3 and all people are talking about is the big tribal switch/split/expansion tonight. But before we get to that, let's do a quickie recap of where we stand right now. Bayon is in pink and they're all just one big happy hammock family, except for Stephen. Everything he says or does seems to backfire on him. I'm quite sure that Savage could come up with some kind of argument for why you should punch a puppy, if Stephen announced himself as pro-puppy. Anyway, Bayon is living large after winning the first two reward/immunity challenges. A tribal switch could be a disaster for this entire tribe, save Stephen.

Over at Ta Keo, they're a hot mess. They keep claiming some sort of old school vs. new school thing, but really, they're all flying by the seat of their pants while Jeff Varner does his best to control everyone. Abi-Maria has reverted back to the Survivor I couldn't stand on Philippines and unless something she says has some sort of major relevance to the outcome of the game, she'll be mostly ignored on these pages. Sure, you can say or do anything you want on this show, but I don't have to spend any time on it.


That being said, Varner has everyone convinced that Shirin and Spencer are evil and need to go. Apparently, Shirin mounted a counter-strike on him, which would explain why she took the walk of shame instead of the much more dangerous Spencer. This tribe needs something to help it get on the winning track. Maybe the split will work out for them. It is definitely coming at the right time for Spencer. If the Survivor Gods love me, they'll somehow figure out a way to get Spencer and Fishbach on the same tribe. Of course, as always, there's one way to find out - let's get to tonight's episode!

We begin tonight's episode at the Ta Keo camp as they return from Tribal. Spencer thanks the tribe for keeping him in the game and reiterates his plan to not be running around all crazy at camp. He tells us that he is really hoping to up his social game to try to earn more days in the game. He says the people who are able to change have been rewarded. As the tribe continues to talk, Terry lets them all know that if they make the finals, the vote tonight will be a feather in their cap - taking out one of the most strategic players he's ever seen. When, exactly did Dietz stop watching Survivor? Terry then tells us that he has found himself on top of the game right now. He has the numbers and he's in a good spot within those numbers. He has his social game and he is on top of the world. Wow - sounds like someone will be REALLY disappointed in a couple segments.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8



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