Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance - Season Preview

Ta Keo Tribe

By Jim Van Nest

September 22, 2015

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Hello, good people, and welcome back to the Season Preview of Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance! Yesterday, I broke down the Pink Bayon Tribe; today I'm taking on the Ta Keo Tribe. Ta Keo will be wearing green buffs and consists of a couple icons of Survivor as well as a couple of "huh?" inclusions. Can't wait to really "dig deep" and really break this tribe down. Also, at the end of this column, I will do my season predictions - merge/jury, final tribal and winner. Since I did all the setup yesterday, let's get straight into breaking down the Ta Keo tribe, again in alphabetical order.

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Abi-Maria Gomes - Season 25: Philippines - And what a way to start our Preview of the Ta Keo tribe. The Brazilian firecracker is back and while she's talking a good game about recognizing her failures the first time around, I don't think I'm buying it. Abi-Maria was absolutely horrible on her first season. Aside from being delusional in her alliance with RC, she was an outright bully to everyone else on the island. Her antics also included name calling and yelling at Tribal Council. Since her season ended, through various social media outlets, Abi is such a sweetheart you can't even imagine the side of her you saw on Survivor. That being said, that side exists and I can't imagine she'll be able to keep it covered for long. The upside for Abi is that I don't think she'll come off as a threat. And if she takes the same turn this season, all of a sudden she becomes a goat that could be a good take to the end. So, what I'm saying is that I can see Abi-Maria going out anywhere from first to the final tribal. The only thing I feel confident in saying is that she cannot and will not win this game.


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Jeff Varner - Season 2: Australian Outback - Next up is one of my favorites, Australia's Jeff Varner. A lot of people don't remember Jeff, and that's ok. It was a long time ago and there were many iconic Survivors on this season. The black widow, Jerri. The cowboy, Colby. Elizabeth (soon to be) Hasselbeck, Mike Skupin. There was a lot going on in that season. What people don't seem to remember is that prior to Skupin's fall in the fire, his tribe was on the verge of taking over the game. And leading the way was Jeff Varner. He was smart and savvy and very well-liked. In between Australia and Philippines, we forgot that Mike wasn't all that well-liked on his tribe until he caught a pig and then the next day he fell in the fire. So, Mike became a hero, he didn't start out as one. That was Varner. Mike's dive out of the game killed the Kucha tribe and Varner was the first person voted out after the merge. He's waited a LONG time to get back on this show and I don't think Jeff will waste it. I don't think he'll be seen as a threat on this tribe until it's too late. I see a deep run for Jeff Varner...maybe even a win.

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Kelley Wentworth - Season 29: San Juan Del Sur - If Monica was the "Who?" player on the Bayon tribe, that title goes to Kelley Wentworth. Kelley played on the second Blood vs Water with her dad, Dale. Dale was a bit of a hothead and his temper ended up killing both of their games. Kelley is a huge fan of the show and knows the game very well. Unfortunately, we never got to see what she could do...until now. Kelley reminds me of Parvati when she came back for her second time. The reaction was, "Really? They're bringing HER back?" And we all know how it worked out for Parv. I actually think there's a very good chance Kelley could follow that exact blueprint. Don't let her bad first game fool you. She's a player. And if she gets a foothold in this tribe and gets up in the numbers, she could run it all the way to the end.

Continued:       1       2       3       4



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