Survivor: Caramoan - Episode 6

Operation Thunder Dome

By Ben Willoughby

March 21, 2013

Perhaps I should have been a bit more coy about that hidden idol.

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Previously on Survivor... Probst’s recap predictably begins with Eddie and Reynold because there are no other people of interest on the “favorites” tribe. According to him, the only thing keeping them alive is Reynold’s luck at finding idols, which hasn’t had an impact on the game, and their muscles, which haven’t really had much impact either, as “their losing streak continued."

Among the “favorites” there’s a build-up of the earlier move to switch Corinne out of Stealth R Us, and then nothing else happened for the rest of the episode, but for some reason we all feel much calmer.

The show begins with the “favorites” discussing Brandon leaving the game. “He gave them hope and a pep talk,” complains someone. Malcolm? The discussion pretty much gets taken over by Corinne and Phillip talking about how horrible Brandon was and not understanding why he might have singled them out. Corinne says “I had no idea he hated me,” while Phillip says “he was very hard and he was very cruel and he was very mean” and “I don’t believe I ever had one cross word with him... it was all in his head.” Well, clearly Brandon continually over-reacted because of his own personal issues, but that’s not exactly true.

Phillip interviews that Brandon needs a professional and “Even the Specialist wouldn’t be able to tell you what’s going on with that one." Corinne says to the group that Brandon is “up there with Mel Gibson and... any other crazy person," and in interview she didn’t like that no one jumped in to defend her and Phillip.


Anyway, Phillip says that the tribe has to regroup and move on. Erik really wants to move on: “It just feels good that he’s gone.” So does Cochran, who interviews that it’s great that “Brandon flew out of the cuckoo’s nest and now we’re just left with Phillip.” Phillip’s pep talk continues about how the “fans” are still worn and beaten while the “favorites” are going to stay healthy and “one of us will win this thing.” But in interview, he reveals Operation Thunder Dome to get rid of Corinne when they get to 11, and everyone is totally on board.

After the break, we get Jaws-like music as we check in on the “fans”. Reynold has tree-mail honors and he reads out the stupid poem about what they’ll be doing next. Reynold interviews that it is “over for Eddie and I as far as making any social alliances out here,” and his only option is to “win challenges and hope they survive long enough for something to shift in the game.” Maybe one of the other “favorites” will throw a massive tantrum and leave the game.

Probst sighting! Everyone shows up dutifully at the assigned place and has to put up with some chit-chat from Probst. How are things going after all of last episode’s uncomfortable moments? Michael says that it was good for the tribe to finally feel something positive together. Matt says that it was a relief to realize the other camp isn’t this happy family either, and then he says he feels bad for Phillip, and spilling the rice and beans is the true craziness. Isn’t it interesting how that’s not at all an issue? Sounds like the producers stepped in and provided some replacement beans and rice. Good.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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