Survivor: Samoa

Two Brains Are Better Than One

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

December 17, 2009

She's still trying to figure out who Derek is.

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Previously on Survivor, there were two Immunity Challenges and two Tribal Councils, yet the episode managed to be one of the dullest and predictable in the history of the show. Dave and Monica are gone, leaving only Brett and Shambo from the original Galu tribe in the final six - though Shambo was never a *real* member of Galu. Tonight's episode supposedly promises a SHOCKING! BETRAYAL!, but we're gonna remain skeptical about it until something really interesting happens.

Night 33 at the tribe called Aiga (but really known as Foa Foa) begins with Brett giving Shambo a scalp massage, which sends her into such throes of pleasure that we think he might have just bought her alliance right then and there. Brett, who has barely had a moment of screen time up to now, talks about how he's at camp with a completely different group of people than he'd expected at this point in the game. You think that maybe, just maybe, if any single member of Galu had employed the slightest bit of game strategy, that things might have been different? Ah, what might have been.

For his part, Evil Russell expounds on the fact that he's pleased with how Tribal Council went and states that Brett has to be the next one to go. And you know, for all of our criticism of Evil Russell, he's actually stayed quite true to his alliance, which is generally not the hallmark of the evil sons of bitches in the game of Survivor. That could all change tonight if he sniffs even a slight odor of betrayal from his Foa Foa friends, but the solid alliance between Russell, Jaison, Mick and Natalie has gotten them where they are in the game. They should be proud of themselves for that, at least.


When we next see Brett, he is praying. This is probably the best thing he can do right now, because at the moment, he's taken over the title of Dead Meat from Monica, who was voted out at the previous Tribal Council. The only tiny glimmer of hope for Brett is that Natalie feels a connection to him over their discussions of the Bible and other Christian books. She genuinely likes Brett, who does seem to be more her type of guy than anyone else at the camp currently or previously. Also, Brett's a lot cuter than Evil Russell. And he doesn't have an Evil in front of his name.

Now that the prayers are complete, Shambo is telling everyone she needs to go wash her hair and that she needs a haircut. In a confessional, Evil Russell tells the audience something we already knew - that Shambo's hair is horrible. He does comment that if he didn't need her, he would have voted her out a long time ago because of her weirdness. Evil or not, we can't disagree with this assessment of his competitor. He's right to keep her around, too, because anyone who goes up against her in a vote is going to win.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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