Monday Morning Quarterback

By BOP Staff

April 24, 2007

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Disturbia is the CD Def Leppard needs to make.

David Mumpower: We are less than two weeks away from the much anticipated debut of Spider-Man 3, so let's talk about what is on everyone's mind - Disturbia's second weekend. The movie finished in first place for the second straight weekend. How impressed are you by this?

Kim Hollis: Well, I don't know if impressed is the word I would use. But I'm sure Paramount is plenty happy with its performance so far - especially since it's one that should do quite well on DVD.

David Mumpower: More than anything else, I'm impressed by the MySpace audience and their unexpected willingness to give Hitchcock-ian cinema a chance. This might be the current generation's Body Double.

Tim Briody: It's quite impressive that it was able to break out to $22.2 million last week, and fall less than 40% in weekend two. I'm hoping this causes more teen Hitchcock adaptations, like the teen Shakespeare craze from the late ‘90s.

David Mumpower: Kim, you don't find a running total of $40.7 million after ten days impressive for a film like this?


Reagen Sulewski: It's gone against some pretty weak competition these last two weeks (April is the new January) so the consecutive number ones are less impressive to me than the overall total. But it's probably looking at $75 million when it's all said and done, which is more than I would have predicted.

David Mumpower: It's not just more than you had expected but roughly double that amount, right Reagen?

Kim Hollis: Oh, I think its overall total is probably more than anyone was expecting. But it's not like there have been a lot of options that are appealing over the past few weeks.

David Mumpower: Hmm, I seem to be a lot impressed by this performance than the rest of you. Given the fact that it's swallowed seven other openers during its first two weekends is significant. There were other options, albeit weak ones. Disturbia has toppled a lot of fare over these ten days, though, and I credit the studio as well as the movie-going public for that success.

Reagen Sulewski: I might have given it $50 million overall. It had a pretty slick ad campaign, and teen audiences have a way of latching on to these films. But it's more than I expected.

Kim Hollis: Yeah, I actually had a feeling it would do better than most were giving it credit for. It was well-marketed, and frankly, the teen demographic hasn't had much to latch onto recently.

Tim Briody: Shia LaBeouf is ready for his close-up.

Fracture is the first movie officially sponsored by Mark Prior.

David Mumpower: There were four new openers this week, and North American movie audiences collectively disregarded most of them. The "success story" is Fracture, an Anthony Hopkins thriller that earned $11.2 million. What do you make of this performance?

David Mumpower: What I take from Fracture is that you can market Hopkins in Hannibal Lecter mode all you want, but consumers are savvy enough to see a film not good enough for the Ashley Judd filmography when they see it.

Tim Briody: I swear from the commericals I thought it was another Hannibal Lecter movie.

David Mumpower: ...except for Tim.

Kim Hollis: Given that it basically appeared to be advertised as Hannibal Lecter returns - as a different guy playing against a hot young actor - I think it probably did as well as could be expected. Also, it should have a bit of staying power since reviews are pretty solid (especially user reviews).

Continued:       1       2



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