Twelve Days of Box Office: Day Seven

By David Mumpower

December 27, 2006

They're auditioning to be briefcase girls on Deal or No Deal.

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Before we accept this evidence as box office fact, however, let's cross check this data against the last calendar configuration to make sure it's not just the days of the week upon which the holidays occur that are throwing things out of whack.

The top five movies for this week in 2000 were:

Cast Away
What Women Want
Miss Congeniality
The Emperor's New Groove
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The totals we are discussing for 2000 are again the weekdays (Tuesday through Thursday) after December 25th but before December 31st. In this example, it's December 26-28, 2000. We also again want to consider the prior Friday's performance for each film. In this example, it's December 22nd.


1) Cast Away: $11.8 million
2) What Women Want: $6.1 million
3) Miss Congeniality: $4.2 million
4) How the Grinch Stole Christmas: $3.9 million
5) The Emperor's New Groove: $2.5 million


1) Cast Away: $11.7 million
2) What Women Want: $6.9 million
3) Miss Congeniality: $4.7 million
4) The Emperor's New Groove: $3.6 million
5) How the Grinch Stole Christmas: $3.3 million


1) Cast Away: $9.3 million
2) What Women Want: $6.1 million
3) Miss Congeniality: $4.3 million
4) The Emperor's New Groove: $4.0 million
5) How the Grinch Stole Christmas: $3.0 million


1) Cast Away: $8.8 million
2) What Women Want: $6.1 million
3) The Emperor's New Groove: $4.4 million
4) Miss Congeniality: $4.3 million
5) How the Grinch Stole Christmas: $2.9 million

Note the uniform behavior by all of the films but Cast Away. What Women Want scores $6.1 million three out of four days. Miss Congeniality stays within a $400,000 range throughout the time frame, making more on each of the weekdays than it had on the prior Friday. The Emperor's New Groove not only exceeds the prior Friday on its weekdays but does so by as much as 60%. How the Grinch Stole Christmas experiences the most deviation of any title here yet it still never fluctuates by more than $1 million over these four days. The only movie that sees any significant drop at all is Cast Away.


Having now studied both data samples and verified the integrity of the premise, we can now proceed with confidence in anticipating future behavior. Keeping this in mind, peruse the chart below to see Monday's tallies for the rest of the top ten. Effectively, what you have with these numbers is a blueprint for how the rest of the week will go the films in the top ten. It's just that easy.

Continued:       1       2       3



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