Survivor: Kaoh Rong - Episode Recap

Episode 12 - Now's the Time to Start Scheming

By Jim Van Nest

May 9, 2016

Farewell, final villain.

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Kyle agrees with Jeff that the challenge today was a microcosm of the game itself, while Cydney and Michele try to blow up Tai's plan a little bit. Cydney feels like Tai is trying to dictate what their group is going to do. Tai talks about not getting a chance to talk to Cydney and Aubry seems confused. Michele just goes ahead and opens it up that Tai is coming after her and that he thinks he's in such a good place because of his idol and advantage. Michele is now jumping all over Tai about flipping on his alliance while she's stayed strong with everyone. Tai basically says that Michele is at the bottom and he doesn't even know why she's in the alliance. Aubry mentions that Cydney and Michele now do not trust Tai at all. After all this, Jeff finally calls on Kyle. He says that he's definitely excited about what could happen tonight. There could be a split and he gets three more days, or he could still go home and now he knows who will be following him. And with that, it's time to vote.

We see Michele's vote for Jason. We see Tai's vote for Michele, saying she has to go first. And that is all we see. As Jeff goes to tally the votes, Tai stops him to use his advantage. He explains that the advantage is that he can cast an extra vote so he goes up to do that. He votes for Michele again saying that she has to go home. Jeff goes to tally the votes. And it goes a little something like this: Jason. Michele. Michele. Jason. Joe. Jason. Eleventh person voted out and sixth member of the jury, my winner pick, Kyle Jason. And just like that, the axis of evil is gone and Tai has made himself public enemy #1. Of course, in his case, he has an idol that he can only use at the next Tribal, so he'll be guaranteed a spot in the final four.


The question here is whether this was a good move for Aubry, Cydney and Michele. I think it was great for Cydney and Aubry, as they stand to have the best shot of winning the game. It was stupid on the part of Tai and Michele. Michele is on the bottom and just secured her spot as the next to go because of Tai's idol. Tai made himself an enemy of everyone left in the game, which means without an immunity necklace, he's next to go. That leaves us with an Aubry, Cydney and Joe final three. If this goes the way I think and we have a final two...that means whoever wins the final immunity challenge will win the game, with Joe making the improbable run to the finals. Are you kidding me??

Next time on Survivor: Tai's big plan to get rid of Michele backfired. Aubry turned on him, so what's a little guy with an idol to do? How about make an alliance with Michele? Um, seriously? That's crazy. So crazy, it just might work. One thing's for sure. In a season where nothing is predictable, the last two episodes should follow suit. Look for Ben to come back with his Power Rankings and then join me for the Episode 13 recap. 'Til then, take care!

Continued:       1       2       3       4



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