Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance Recap

Episode 3 - We Got A Rat

By Jim Van Nest

October 12, 2015

All this has happened before and will happen again.

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As we come back to Angkor camp, Andrew tells us that he felt certain he was the first to go, but then Varner melted down at the challenge and now he may have the ammo he needs to save his own neck. The first people he talks to are Peih-Gee and Woo, reminding them that if they take him out, they're in serious trouble with the physical parts of these challenges. He makes his pitch to them about why they should dump Jeff over him. Woo tells him that he and Peih-Gee need to have a conversation and they'll let him know.

Peih-Gee admits he made a great case. Woo seems to be on board with the plan to dump Varner. Peih-Gee is a little more calculating. She's not sure she wants to turn on her alliance so soon and you have to take desperate people and what they say with a grain of salt. As Jeff gets comfy in the shelter (to take a nap, I guess), Tasha remarks that what happened today was not good. Abi says Varner needs to get over the old Ta Keo people and she plans to vote for him. And here we go again. Three episodes, three alliance changes for Abi-Maria. Honestly, I can't even go through this again. Every time she speaks, I want to punch a kitten.

So, with that in mind, I'll sum up. Abi wants Varner gone. After this conversation, Peih-Gee wants Abi gone. So Peih-Gee goes to Tasha and Savage and tells them that she's done and she wants Abi gone. She wants them to vote with her and Woo. Savage tells Abi about this conversation, so now Peih-Gee is now her target. Amazingly enough, the only thing that seems to be certain is that none of Andrew Savage, Jeff Varner, or Miss Foxy Tasha will be going home tonight. Incredible. As they head to Tribal, Tasha is blown away that all of a sudden; she went from the bottom to the one making the decision on who will go home.


We get to Tribal and after Savage and Tasha light their torches, Probst goes right to the tribe swap and what it was like to be down in the numbers. Savage was devastated about the swap, the numbers and the crazy amount of work he was looking at. Probst fast forwards to after the challenge and Varner's meltdown. Varner claims to have been so weak from hunger and lack of sleep that when Tasha called him a rat, he just lost it and doesn't even remember exactly what he said. Um, yeah and Philip Sheppard has dry mouth that makes him unable to pronounce people's names. Not buying it, Jeff.

Tasha really took exception to Jeff trying to talk to someone on the other tribe. Probst asks him if he feels like he's going home tonight. He says that people manage to get away from things all the time and wouldn't it be crazy if didn't even get one vote tonight? He goes on to break it down that he's heard Abi, Peih-Gee and himself as possible boots tonight and that somehow Savage and Tasha found their way from the bottom of the heap to the top. Peih-Gee and Abi both give little speeches about why they should stay and once again, Varner says he has no idea what will happen tonight, but that Savage and Tasha will be the deciding votes. And just like that, we seem to be down to Abi-Maria vs Peih-Gee. It is time to vote.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8



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