Monday Morning Quarterback Part I

By BOP Staff

June 16, 2015

Oh no! A green screen!

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Bruce Hall: Well, it's been a hell of a year for Universal. The R-rated Fifty Shades of Grey proved that withering reviews are no match for Oprah's blessing, and easily made far more money than it probably should have. Furious 7 was a poignant and stupendously profitable send off for Paul Walker, and up to now was Universal's big performer for the year. And then Jurassic World came stumbling in and like a drunk Roman emperor, just utterly had its way with everything in the room.

Personally, I lost interest in Jurassic Park approximately two decades ago, but the rest of the world not only was dying for an extinct giant lizard fix, but has also forgiven (or better yet forgotten) the abomination that was Jurassic Park 3. People young and old flocked to Jurassic World in droves, attracted either by nostalgia, or because blue and sepia tinted movies are all the rage these days.

And for anyone who was on the fence about it, there was the currently very white-hot Mr. Pratt. It was a multi-pronged strategy that cast a wide net and apparently, caught all the fish.


Oddly, I felt largely unaffected by the marketing campaign for Jurassic World. It turned me off with all that washed out looking CGI and the suggestion that the only thing wrong with previous Jurassic Park movies up to this point was the lack of overkill.

And although it's not exactly a bold statement to say that I really like Chris Pratt, it takes considerably more stones to suggest that I'd occasionally like to see something without him.

But clearly, I am again in the minority. I have yet to see Jurassic World, but the consensus so far suggests that this time around they addressed the issue of "brilliant looking film with a story dumber than my neighbor's Cocker Spaniel." It's a stunning success.

And now, a new and unending stream of Jurassic Park sequels.

Continued:       1       2       3       4



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