The Amazing Race Season 26 Recap - Episode 4

The Great Amazing Nasty Race

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

March 16, 2015

He's better at singing than snookering.

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Tyler & Laura choose “Water” before the Race cuts to Hayley & Blair. He’s letting her call the shots, which is apparently a problem for Hayley, because she wants him to choose where they will go. When he does, she points the other direction and says she wants to go that way instead.

In case you were wondering, yes, the look on Blair’s face was priceless in this moment. He smirks at the camera and asks her, “oh, you want to lead?” When she says yes, he follows her.

We’re pretty sure that the hot does not outweigh the crazy here, Blair. Don’t fall for it.

While Hayley is leading them the wrong way, Matt & Ashley and Steve & Aly find their clue right away. They all choose water taxi. Soon after they depart, Jeff & Jackie, Bergen & Kurt and Mike & Rochelle converge upon the clue box. Everyone chooses to go with “Water,” with Bergen & Kurt and Mike & Rochelle agreeing to work together to find the location.

Hayley continues to lead herself and Blair in the wrong direction, and Blair continues to be Mr. Agreeable. He’s cracking us up. Eventually, he asks Hayley if she wants to go up some stairs (which is where the clue is), and she assents. He smirks as he opens the box, and then asks what she wants to do. Like everyone else, they select “Water.” Unless Harley & Jonathan choose “Wheel,” there are going to be some lonely tuk tuk drivers today.


Oh, wait. Apparently, only five teams can choose “Water,” and since Hayley & Blair are sixth, they’ll have to hoof it on over to “Wheel.” Hooray for tuk tuks! As he asks for directions, she screams at him, saying they should just get to the main road and then figure it out.

This might be the first time in human history that a woman has yelled at a man for asking for directions.

Hayley gets a moment to feel a little bit better about herself, because Jenny & Jelani arrive, but they haven’t been to the temple yet to get their first clue. They also tell Jeff & Jackie that all the water taxi spots are taken, so those teams are all headed to the tuk tuks. When Blair tries to follow Jeff & Jackie, she yells at him, saying she just wants to get her own directions.

Of course, this means that Jeff & Jackie arrive at the tuk tuks first, but that doesn’t stop Hayley from shrilly screeching at Blair some more.

Jenny & Jelani have found their clue at the temple and realize that they’ll have to go to the tuk tuks.

Tyler & Laura enjoy their boat ride, giving us a brief reprieve from the drama going on with Hayley & Blair and Jenny & Jelani. In fact, all of the teams on the water taxis seem to be having a blast.

Hayley complains about the traffic, which is clearly Blair’s fault. I don’t think a person has been so annoyed with a traveling companion since Steve Martin went on that trip with John Candy in Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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