Monday Morning Quarterback Part I

By BOP Staff

January 7, 2013

Now is the time in Baltimore when we dance.

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Felix Quinonez: I loved Wreck-It Ralph. Aside from great animation, the story is really great. I feel that the consistent success of Pixar has made other studios realize that there is a huge audience for smart and emotional animated movies. Wreck-It Ralph is hilarious but also very moving and smart. I can't say enough great things about it.

I thought Looper was great and inventive. I feel like Joseph Gordon-Levitt really brings his A-game. I don't want to give any spoilers but I was a bit let down by the last act but it is definitely still a great movie worth checking out.

Another one I saw was Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. I thought that it started great but in the end it falls apart a bit. I felt like they raised so many possible story plots but ultimately went to the least interesting and safe one.


I finally got to see Moonrise Kingdom. It was phenomenal, if you haven't seen it, well, you should.

Maybe it's because I had such high expectations, the trailers looked AWESOME, and the reviews were fantastic, but I felt more than a little bit letdown by Skyfall. I thought the first half was great and then almost as soon as we meet Bardem things deteriorate. I thought the villain's motive was tired and my biggest complaint was that I found it a bit boring.

Now with The Campaign, I had very low expectations and I wound up loving it. Will Ferrell is very hit or miss for me but I thought he was great. I also loved Zach Galifanakis in this movie. He's another one who doesn't always work for me but he was goodIt's not a classic but definitely entertaining.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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