Monday Morning Quarterback Part II

By BOP Staff

September 12, 2012

Damn kids these days.

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Tim Briody: In all seriousness, I haven't seen much in the way of films lately, but I wanted to comment on something that happened a few days ago on (go ahead and laugh), WWE's Monday Night Raw. If you haven't heard, long time commentator Jerry "The King" Lawler had a heart attack and collapsed on live television. It happened in the middle of a match he was calling, and I'm thankful that he was not on camera when it occurred and that his broadcast partner and others at ringside quickly noticed something was wrong and he was helped to the back where CPR was performed and he was taken to a local hospital and he is expected to pull through.

I watched the Owen Hart incident live back in 1999 and I was absolutely terrified that something similar was about to occur. While this was not an in-ring accident (and was never on camera, though you can tell the fans and even the wrestlers in the match taking place were distracted as medical professionals were assisting Lawler)., Monday was one of the scariest moments I've ever witnessed since then. The remaining 45 minutes of the program continued as scheduled/scripted, sans further commentary except for updates on Lawler's condition, which made for one of the most strangest experiences I've ever had as a wrestling fan (the product is so commentary driven that it was rather surreal watching a match happen and storylines being furthered without any assistance).

While in hindsight I can watch highlights knowing that he's okay, I sat there for nearly an hour trying to be entertained while simultaneously wondering if a man had died in front of a few thousand people in attendance and couple million viewers on television.


Kim Hollis: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island was pretty blah. I enjoyed the first film despite myself (I think it's a good family film) and I'm kind of sad that the new, improved Rock version wasn't better. The pec pops were the only thing worthwhile, really.

Silent House is awful. I generally don't like horror films much anyway, but this one was just aggravating and the twist was obnoxious. The non-Olsen twin deserves better.

Despite not really liking horror films, I did like The Woman in Black. It's kind of a quiet, thoughtful film and Daniel Radcliffe did a really fine job as not-Harry Potter. I'm really looking forward to seeing him as Ig in Horns (which I guess will technically be another horror-ish movie).

The Dictator was bereft of laughs and mercifully, it was pretty short in terms of length. I think I've mentioned before that I prefer to see Sacha Baron Cohen in supporting roles (Talladega Nights, Hugo, Sweeney Todd), and The Dictator did absolutely nothing to change my mind.

Although it's not a perfect Seuss adaptation (I don't know if we'll ever get one in the modern era), The Lorax was pretty enjoyable. It's colorful and has a lot of laughs. People complain that is mixes its messages, but I don't really find that as troublesome as I did with The Grinch.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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