Monday Morning Quarterback Part III

By BOP Staff

July 11, 2012

He'll be missed.

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Project X fails to learn the most important lesson from the John Hughes library. Teen characters have to be identifiable in order for a teen comedy to engage. Instead, this is mostly about jackasses acting jackass-y to other jackasses. Also, there are these odd moments in the film where it suddenly switches into an extended beer commercial sans the product placement. I guess that's the career the cinematographer wants to have rather than make teen sex romps. Still, I have to say that once the movie goes truly over the top, the payoff is pretty great. I enjoyed the last 20 minutes quite a bit.

Finally, I know that Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is a movie that most people are not going to see in theaters. I accept that. What I would suggest is that you rush to rent it the moment it is on home video. I was spellbound by its genteel nature in the face of Mayan-predicted chaos. Steve Carell and Keira Knightley are wonderful together and I love their journey to acceptance about this unlikely relationship. Plus, the scene at Friendly's restaurant is more giggle-inducing than anything from the ostensible comedies listed above. I felt enriched by Seeking a Friend and I expect to watch it 25 times over the years. Out of all the movies I list here, it's my favorite.

Kim Hollis: I have seen a *lot* of movies since the last time we talked about our recent films. So...

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - I enjoyed the first film, but I think I liked the sequel better. Admittedly, I'd probably watch Robert Downey Jr. in a movie called "Watching Paint Dry." I can see why Sherlock Holmes purists might not like the tone and style that Guy Ritchie uses in the films, but it works for me.


Project X - I feel like the only reason this movie exists is to sell soundtracks. The music was very transparently "ohmygodlookhowawesomeandnew!" I didn't care about any of the characters and I was turned off by the fact that it was blatantly ripping off Superbad in a lot of ways (but with only about 1/10th of the humor). Just yuck.

Wanderlust - This movie is only an hour and a half long, but it feels so much longer. Basically, it's a one-joke film that tries to extend to a full-length feature. I agree with David that Justin Theroux is very funny (and Alan Alda is endearing even with a joke that is repeated way too many times), but overall it felt like drudgery.

Wrath of the Titans - This is a murky-looking, terrible movie. I would have been livid if I'd paid money to see the film in theaters. It's nonsensical and just a complete and utter waste of time. I'm glad I was doing other things while I was watching it because it certainly didn't deserve my undivided attention.

21 Jump Street - I really don't like Channing Tatum. I say this because I thought he was truly enjoyable in 21 Jump Street, a movie that is hilarious from start to finish. I really appreciated that they went a little bit meta with the concept, poking fun at themselves for lacking an original idea. This may be the most quotable movie of the last few years.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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