Stand up for stand up

By You Can't Hear It On The Radio

October 3, 2011

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Even now, more than 20 years after first hearing both Cosby and Martin, I have most of the routines memorized and they still make me laugh. Throughout my life, I’ve enjoyed stand up albums, buying a few here and there. But that’s increased of late, partially due to the ease of access, but also because there are a lot of great albums out and available.

Cosby and Martin aside, most of my favorite comedy albums are more modern. It’s probably a function of accessibility more than anything, but there are a lot of fantastic comedians working today (and one who regrettably isn’t).

Before I get into some of my favorite current comedians, I want to spend a minute on the late, great Mitch Hedberg. Hedberg was the master of the short, seemingly non-sequiter joke that sometimes took a minute to figure out and led to explosive laughter. Hedberg died in 2005 and leaves behind three fantastic albums. I’d suggest starting with Mitch All Together.

Moving on to comedians who are still with us, I’m going to start with one who, whether he likes it or not, is the current spokesman for the stand up community – Marc Maron. Maron is the host of the incredibly popular podcast – WTF with Marc Maron – and the source of an ongoing master class in stand up comedy. Not specifically Maron (though he is hilarious), but the combo of Maron and guest – most often a working stand up – discussing the craft, business and life of a stand up comedian. Listening to WTF doesn’t require a working knowledge of active stand up comics, but it does help to provide depth and context to their work and the genre.

There’s an episode guide available and I encourage you to dive in, starting with your favorite comedian or actor. I highly recommend the two-part episode with Louis C.K.; Mike Birbiglia's interview of Maron for the 200th episode; Garry Shandling; and Conan O'Brien. Also riveting are Maron's interviews with Carlos Mencia and Dane Cook. All the episodes are worth listening to, not the least of which is that if you don't, Maron will resent you.

After listening to nearly 200 episodes of WTF, I’ve learned to notice and appreciate just how much more there is to stand up than “saying funny things”. The best comedians are performers in the truest sense of the word. There’s an obvious skill and method to storytelling and joke telling, and blending the two while still engaging an audience is an absolute talent. Many of the stand ups I’ve heard on Maron’s show talk about how they aren’t actors, or aren’t real actors – I disagree.

Standing up on a stage and telling jokes requires a great deal of skill. To get a joke over, to time your cadence and choose your words, to engage an audience, all of those things take a great deal of preparation and care and to inhabit them is something only a skilled performer can do. There’s a good reason that so many stand up comedians do end up as actors – they have a confidence and skill borne of practice and hard work as performers.

Maron himself is a fantastic stand up, using honesty and self-flagellation as humor weapons in his joke onslaught. While you can see all of those things on display on the WTF podcast, they’re more clearly shown on his most recent stand up album, This Has to Be Funny.

It's difficult to choose a favorite from my favorite comedians, so I won't. But my favorite albums from each of them are linked to their names below. Louis C.K. and Mike Birbiglia have been my most listened to of late. It's obvious that, in general, I prefer story-based comedians and these are great ones.


Some of my other favorite comedians (warning, much of the language is not safe for work):

David Cross (YouTube)

Chris Rock(YouTube)

Aziz Ansari (YouTube)

Patton Oswalt (YouTube)

Mike Birbiglia (YouTube)

Louis C.K. (YouTube)

I’d never claim to be an expert on stand up or stand up albums - after all, the list of comedians I haven’t listened to is as impressive as it is long - Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Lenny Bruce, Jonathan Winters, Bob Newhart, George Carlin, Dave Attell, Steven Wright... But I do love comedy albums and you can't hear them on the radio. I hope you'll check a few out.


For the original version of this post, including music and video, click here.

Continued:       1       2



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