BOP 9/11 Archive: Part Four

By BOP Staff

September 13, 2011


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Lexy: “I suggested that to Bruno last night. Think they'll have to require that they be made detectable in the future. Can metal be mixed w/ the creamic at the time of production? Don't know how. Kind of like requiring the toy gun manufacturers to make their guns in hot pink and orange.

"Security is definitely not what it was just a couple of year's ago. When Bruno, Jr. was two or three we were forced to check the incredibly fake and flimsy plastic sword he got at the Tower of London. But I know that I've flown w/ scissors in my carry on a number of times recently. No one has even asked about them as I passed through the metal detectors.” - Editor’s note: Bruno and Lexy are husband and wife.

C. Hyde: “Actually, there are advanced detection systems (known i believe as 'millimeter wave' detectors) that can detect things like ceramic or plastic explosive.

"The rub, as usual, is that these systems are expensive and putting them in airports nationwide will cost an untold amount of money.”

Lafarrow: “You may recall that the US mounted Dolittle's raid to strike Tokyo very soon after Pearl Harbor. Served two purposes - to reassure the US populace that we were doing something, and to demonstrate that US power would be projected
around the world. I believe the same will happen today.

"As for striking at a country, I believe Bush has laid out his justification for hitting any country under a conspiracy theory of culpability. you are an accomplice if you do not give these folks up. It'll stand up.

"Gas pumps ran dry around town here. Prices were not gouged. I think it was a matter of folks seeing lines and thinking better to have some than not. Didn't hear about any reason until late last night. I predict a slight disruption in supplies while the tankers sit offshore for a while but then prices will fall back and those who gouged will be prosecuted.

"We have a couple of air bases here, Maxwell and Gunter. Jets all day.”


Ash: “Having not been able to comprehend the scale of the loss of life that occurred yesterday, my mind instead seems to be obsessed with damage of a more structural nature and other trivialities.

"I'm a bit of a tall building junkie and it's just weird that two of the tallest structures in the world have simply ceased to exist. It also means Escape from New York will no longer be historically accurate.

"Tom Clancy and Nelson De Mille will have to up the stakes a little in their novels as what they would have rejected in the past due to being too far fetched will now seem moderate and tame in comparison to reality.

"It took me about three hours yesterday to mentally aknowledge that there would have been people on those jets, for some reason I had convinced myself that only empty jets had been hijacked. It made some of the news footage easier to watch.”

Feathers McGraw: “I have to change the channel every time there's an interview with either an eyewitness to the event, or one from a person with an acquaintance/family member who's missing. It's too hard to watch. The reports of last-minute cell phone calls from people about to die is too terrible to contemplate.

"There are reports that there was a struggle aboard the flight which crashed outside of Pittsburgh. I hope that those aboard will be given heroes' burials.” – Editor’s note: Watch United 93.

Continued:       1       2



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