BOP 9/11 Archive: Part Four

By BOP Staff

September 13, 2011


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Duke Fleed: “What's really scary is that bin Laden's men were trained and armed by the American army during the Afghani resistance against Russia. Like Saddam, the US was close allies with bin Laden before they became bitter enemies. That's scary foreign policy

"The danger that really scares me is that North America has always been such an open environment in terms of travel and personal freedom. something that no other country sees. This really makes it an easy target unless it takes some strong measures.

"I think the US mainland is the most ill-prpared region in the world for acts of terrorism and mass-destruction that's not named Canada.

"One thing i would like to say is that many people fail to consider that these people that undertake these actions do not consider them acts of terrorism. They consider them as acts undertaken in a continuing war. Most people in the Middle East see the Israeli/Palestinian situation as a war. (I can understand that too...two sides violently fighting over a piece of land is usually defined as war). And in war, you fight and you do what you do to win. This etiquette of war, these rules of war, are made and observed by
those who can win under those rules and therefore, if you can't win within the rules, you say fuck you to the rules.

"War is war. it's all out, it's balls to the wall. Always has been, always will be. In war, there are no rules, only winners and losers. It's about goddamn time the US realized that and kicked some ass and stopped playing fucking politics. there is no need to take turns firing guns. There is no need to observe 'rules.' There is no need to rest on Christmas day. The Americans learned that 250 years ago. They need to relearn it because this is these people's mentality and they need to be put in their fucking place.


"I wanna sleep in peace and now. Stop dilly dallying for fuck's sake.

"Sorry folks, it's been a really fucking rough day with the only good news is that all the people I know and their loved ones are fine. If i kept on ranting I wouldn't fucking stop, believe me. It's what happens when you are so aware of both sides of a conflict.”

David Mumpower: “CNN has just done a major financial update involving the major WTC corporations. Grim news included in it is that Cantor-Fitzgerald has over 800 employees on five floors. So few have checked in that the man would only say when pressed for survivors that "we are doing the best we can in extraordinary circumstances and still hold out hope for a miracle".

C. Hyde: “That if knives were the hijack weapon of choice here that what they used were those new-fangled zirconium carbide or oxide ceramic knives you can get now. I don't think those would set off a metal detector.

"Also, word is that at least one of the Boston hijackers flew down to Boston from Portland Maine after coming in through Canada on a UAE passport. I'd imagine we'll eventually find out that's how most of them got into the US.”

Continued:       1       2



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