BOP 9/11 Archive: Part Three

By BOP Staff

September 13, 2011


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David Mumpower: “POTUS will be entering the West Wing tonight after all.

"(I feel hip like Sorkin)”

Kim Hollis: “So since there's not supposed to be any planes in the sky right now, should I assume that the jet that flew over when I walked out of my building tonight was him? Or was it a fighter jet?

Whatever, it freaked a number of us out.”

Bruno: “Believe me, I don't want to upset Musubi or anyone else after what has happened today, but I'm curious about the characterisation (by the media and the President) of these attacks as being 'cowardly'. Personally I think it would take either incredible courage or incredible faith to fly a plane into a building.

"Was the attack on Pearl Harbor also considered cowardly? Does cowardly actually mean 'a surprise attack'?

"It seems to me that both attacks were examples of brilliant planning and bravado.” – Editor’s note: This statement is similar to the one that got Bill Maher in so much trouble on Politically Incorrect

Dulcinea: “I think the characterization of this as 'cowardly' is because it’s directed at a non-military target; Pearl Harbor, while containing quite a bit of civilian population, was a military base.”

Feathers McGraw: “Bruno, I assume that the label of cowardice applies to attacking a target which does not know it is a target. Even Pearl Harbor was an attack on a military target. But I reluctantly concde the final point.”

Musubi: “Personally I find it cowardly that they not only killed innocents, but killed themselves, and thusly never had to face the horror that they created. Bravado does not equal bravery, IMO.”

David Mumpower: “Yes, they were cowardly. Any time your attack is faceless, it's cowardly. If I wanted to take you out, I would say 'I'm going to kick your teeth in' and then I would proceed to do so. I wouldn't randomly snipe you, your significant other and/or your child by crashing my car into yours. Why? Because one way gives you the opportunity to defend yourself and me to show I can beat you. The other shows that I can scrape the bottom of the barrel of barbarism in order to take you down with me. To me, there is a difference. You're more of a free thinker than I am so your mileage may vary but I see nothing demonstrating 'courage' or 'incredible faith' in driving a plane into a building where 50,000 people are defenseless and have done me no personal wrong. It's the distinction between religious fervor and religious zealotry. Anyone who is so insecure about their faith that they must exterminate all that oppose it is someone who is not a true believer in my opinion.”


Ursine: “I'm hearing rumors via the Internet (and I'm not crediting it yet) that gas prices are suddenly going through the roof - something about the petroleum futures market being destroyed. I *do* know that the biggest tenant in the WTC was Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.”

C. Hyde: “Actually, the biggest worry is whether OPEC can stay unified after the attack so the world petroleum supplies remain constant and uninterrupted. And also whether any retaliatory attacks by the us will cause disruptions. but the opinion of most oil industry analysts that I've heard is that prices will spike and then come back to earth fairly quickly, much like they did after the start of the Gulf War. The fundamentals for oil right now are not all that stong and this attack, horrific as it was, shouldn't really make the price move higher in the long run.”

Kim Hollis: “Yeah, but the reason I'm hearing down here in Central Illinois is that the suppliers fear that the refineries are still possible targets. You absolutely would not believe the lines at the gas stations here this evening. And how furious local people are about the issue given the enormity of the days events.

"Humans are vile, disgusting creatures.”

Ursine: “Duke, hope nobody hassles you over this stuff. The first thought out of everyone's head (and watching the whooping-up in Nablus, say, didn't help) is that It's Those Arabs. Kill 'Em.”

Scooter: “...which to me is so fucked up because that's what everyone said with oklahoma.”

Duke Fleed: “Oh, it's gonna happen, don't worry. It's not me that i care about. It's my dad who manages an arabic restaurant; It's my 14 year-old brother who is a high school student; It's my mother who has a thick accent; It's my sisters who have to work and go to university and interact with many more people than i do.

"It won't be abundant, but like with any racist or stereotypical comments, one is too much.” - Editor’s note: Duke is Muslim and while a native of Canada, he is of Lebanese heritage.

Jerry Simpson: I just gave blood, which made me feel good. It was also cool to see a line out the door at the red cross down the street. They diverted me to a Hospital (St. John's) where they had collected 96 pints of blood today. That restored a little hope for me.”

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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