BOP 9/11 Archive: Part Three

By BOP Staff

September 13, 2011


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David Mumpower: “What's it like in NYC right now anyway? Can you even describe it?”

Woody: "I did in another post, but just so you know... It's completely surreal. feeling the first tower go
down and then looking at the TV and watching it live was fucked up.

"To be honest, I didn't dare leave my desk for a long time.

"Up on the roof of our office I personally witnessed a couple groups of folks after the initial plane jump off the 98 something floor hand in hand. That's what you guys didn't see on the news. There were hundreds of them, apparently. I could only stomach one group.

"I'm still trying to pretend it happend somewhere else...but then there's that huge fucking cloud right


"I'm still amazed at the utter lack of military here. I've seen 1 blackhawk and a couple what i think are F16s flying around very high. I expected humvies in the streets by now.

"I'm very scared as to whether there's a few cells waiting to do some ground stuff tonight or after the subways are operating. This appears to be something that's been planned for a while...what else is in the plan?

"That's what it's like in New York right now. I want off the island...and there's no where to go."

David Mumpower: “Just be careful. We're pretty attached to you.

"(I say everyone on the list just moves to Belize in a couple of months when it's safe to fly again.)”

Musubi: “Just a thought. If you get a chance, drop by your local chapter of the Red Cross and donate blood.

I just got back from donating, and it gives me some small sense of happiness on this horrid day that when I was there, there were over 100 people in line to donate. The line grew longer as the day wore on, and although people were told there were 3-4 hour waits, even when I left the lobby was full. Many made appointments to return in the coming days and left. I talked to one of the volunteers and he guessed that over 600 people made appointments to donate in the few hours he was there.”

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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