BOP 9/11 Archive: Part Two

By BOP Staff

September 12, 2011


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Lafarrow: “Take the world's richest country add in the collapse of its closest rival, add budget surpluses, add republican president from Texas - this is gonna be very very bad. unprecedented defense and intelligence spending. Restrictions on travel.”

Ursine: “CNN says that the President is at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana, is not going back to DC.”

Reagen Sulewski: “Movie thought: If Columbine delayed O for two years, how long does Sum of All Fears get shelved?”

David Mumpower: “I know everyone else probably has this figured out now but since we have confused the hell out of the list, here's the deal. There are 2 Boston to LAX hijacked flights. One of those plus one from Dulles hit the WTO. The other from Boston is the one at the pentagon while the last one from Newark was crashed in PA. I don't mean to point fingers in a what is already a terrible time for them but it says a lot about their security that the plan involved getting two of their planes.

That or the more horrific thought that there could have been a dozen or more attempts at hijacking and these were just the only 4 that succeeded.”

Petronella: “I'm all right...thanks for the concern. Things here are a bit crazed as you would imagine. Right now my big concerns are (a) all the schools are closing and looking to us as to what to do with these kids whose parents are stuck in NYC and (b) Tad's stuck in Jersey and can't get back home. I was in court this morning in Putnam Cty (about 1 hour north of the City) and the court shut down, but other than that I've been just glued to the set, glued to the phones and worried about loads of friends in the City.

I can't tell you how many people I knew from law school who worked in the WTC...I only hope that they got out in time.

I'll check in intermittently, but until these kids are released (to whom, God knows) I'm going to be a bit busy.

Peace to all...” – Editor’s note: Pet checked in at 1:42 EST, five long hours after the first attack…and there was much rejoicing among our staff that she was safe


Kim Hollis: “So thankful you and Woody are fine.”

Wiggie: “Thank God.”

David Mumpower: “I'm so relieved and happy to hear from you.”

Reagen Sulewski: “I breathed half a sigh when Woody posted, and the other half when Pet posted.”

C. Hyde: “Phew. good to hear you're OK. Even my bitter heart was worried about you :).” – Editor’s note: See? Much rejoicing!

Petronella: “Pffftttt! I know you're really just a big softie.

Thanks for the concern everyone...really, but I'm not even on the map Woody linked for you (Woods, I'm glad you're OK...I was working at the federal bldg when the WTC was bombed and I know what unimaginable hell you're in right now. Stay safe and sane and I hope you can get back to your apt.). As I said, i'm just hoping I can locate my friends. All of my NYC cousins are accounted for, luckily.”

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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