BOP 9/11 Archive: Part Two

By BOP Staff

September 12, 2011


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Wiggie: “Just logged on and haven't been through all the messages yet, but I was frantically running though the archives looking to see if Woody and Pet had checked. Call me the biggest dork in the world, but I am so fucking relived to see you (Woody) here.” – Editor's note: Wiggie was our second west coast resident to check in. It was 9:05 a.m. her time and all of this had already transpired.

C. Hyde: “As evil as it all is, it's undoubtedly a brilliantly organized and executed attack. I mean, they shut down the US stock market and the air transportation system and have essentially paralyzed a good portion of the country and a lot of the federal government...thousands of lives lost and a cost of billions to your enemy.

If you're taking on Goliath, you have to consider that a rousing success.”

Lafarrow: “Not such a success. the country will go on. So what for the money - there is always more. The level of scrutiny visited and the cost for the benefit will be bad.”

David Mumpower: “And if I'm advising these psychotics, my question would be why would you do it? All you've done is severely piss off someone who can make you a smoking dot in the floor. In addition, you've given the hawks in their organization
the public opinion to crush you like your actions would warrant.

On a sidenote for Tony, there's a need for blood donation in Washington if you are able and near a facility.”

Tony Kollath: “Yeah, heather & I are going in about an hour.”

David Mumpower: “You're a good man.” – Editor’s note: He really is.


C. Hyde: “(You do it) because you can. Because it's your one way to strike out at an enemy much more powerful and with more resources than you. Because you believe your enemy is evil and that god is on your side. You hit them where they're vulnerable and if you're lucky your warrior's death will lead you into the kingdom of heaven.

Or some such rot.”

C. Hyde: “OK, channel 7 out of boston is reporting the two planes that hit the Trade Center were American Airlines Flight 11 (that's the LAX flight I think) and United Flight 175 from Logan Airport.”

Kim Hollis: “Bush in Florida. Powell in Peru. Peace talks were to start between the Palestinians and Israel. I don't imagine the timing is coincidental.”

Musubi: “ The Pentagon plane was said to be a small commuter aircraft. Aren't 767s pretty big airliners?”

JD: “You betcha. Relatively new to the Boeing line. Seats probably 200-250 depending on configuration. Was on one last night Pittsburgh to LAX. Nifty the difference a day makes.

Also learning that leaving a more detailed iterineray behind on future biz trips would be a good thing as it seems the majority of the people thought that I was in the Boston area as opposed to Pittsburgh. (Spent last week in Baltimore and Foxboro area, Foxboro stop somehow became a generic Boston stop around here)” – Editor’s note: JD is an aerospace engineer so he’s the right guy to ask about this sort of thing

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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