BOP 9/11 Archive: Part One

By BOP Staff

September 12, 2011


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Tony Kollath: “Yeah. i'm supposed to be from DC to Denver Thursday evening.”

David Mumpower: “Two planes for UA and two for American. That's a PR nightmare for them on the side. Just why the fuck do we have airport security anyway?

Estimating the casualties in the thousands but apparently a lot of people in the upper portions of the buildings were evacuated. They're interviewing a dude who was on the 81st floor when it broke right now.

Call 877-Red-Cros and they might be able to give you information about your family's safety.”

C. Hyde: “I'd think it would be a waste of energy to kill them if you're just gonna crash the plane anyhow.”

Lexy: “But you've got to keep them under control to prevent them from stopping you. This certainly changes the SOP for what to do when you're on a hijacked plane.”

Musubi: “Please stop this line of discussion.”

David Mumpower: “Agreed (with Hyde) but I'm wondering if the one in Pittsburgh crashed because the people realized they were going to die anyway and just swarmed the terrorist.

Sorry, Moose, I'm not being gruesome here. The line of thinking is that SOP on planes has been to sit idly by in the past. We're seeing the flaw with that right now.”


Musubi: “Same thought crossed my mind about the Pittsburgh flight too. I know you aren't trying to be gruesome, and I'm not mad at you or anything, it's just very very hard for me to read it.

I haven't been able to do any work today, and as a gov't employee who works very near a federal bldg, we have been told we can take vacation if we choose. But I'm kind of scared to even move. This is horrifying.”

Ursine: “Musubi, as another Fed, my comment to you is that getting out is not a bad idea. They have evacuated and closed the Chicago Federal complex, and my wife's on her way home. This is so horrendous....gunships over DC. Fighters over DC and NYC.”

David Mumpower: “Musubi, please go home. This really goes for everybody on the west coast because I love you all and I'm worried about you. The guards are up now so while I think it's probably all safe, I can't shake the notion that the people who planned this would have taken that knowledge into account and would set up something that would work on a time delay. If you don't have to be at work today, get in your car (*not* public transportation) or get a taxi, go home and get back in bed.

Boston to LAX 767 is confirmed to have gone down but they didn't say where. Would that make it the plane that hit the Pentagon?”

C. Hyde: “i believe that that was one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center.”

Scooter: “I'm pretty sure that the Cantor main offices were in the WTC.” - Editor’s note: Cantor Fitzgerald and BOP were on friendly terms and our site featured a column involving them in 2001

Reagen Sulewski: “ A person who answered the phone on the trading floor at interdealer-broker Cantor Fitzgerald, located near the top of the World Trade Center, said "We're fucking dying," when asked what was happening, and hung up. There was screaming and yelling in the background. A follow-up call was not answered."” – Editor’s note: Reagen wrote the Cantor Fitzgerald column

David Mumpower: “just held up a picture of his friend's brother who he was talking on the phone with when the first explosion was heard. The phone was cut off and he's not heard back so they're showing the picture up in the hopes someone at a hospital might have seen him.

The man was on the 102nd floor and worked for Cantor.”

Ursine: “Tom Clancy (who suggested this sort of thing in one of his novels) is on CNN now...

Clancy is saying that (and I agree) that finding more than one guy who's able to fly a multi-engine plane of these sorts, and then into a building is just's just gotta be someone with great resources.”

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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