BOP 9/11 Archive: Part One

By BOP Staff

September 12, 2011


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Feathers: “Stay safe. I hope those you love are okay, too.”

Jerry Simpson: “Why the Pentagon? of all the demoralizing icons in DC, why there?”

Ursine: “CNN says that normally 50k people work in the World Trade Center towers, and 30k in the Pentagon.”

C. Hyde: “Ummmm. they're now reporting yet another plane crash at Camp David. And there's supposedly another hijacked jet in the air.”

David Mumpower: “I don't have a good visual of it yet but part of the Pentagon has collapsed.”

David Mumpower: “Panic journalism is already a factor (which is what was being planned on by the terrorists). CNN was reporting further explosions near the WTO before realizing it was just resoundings from the collapsed buildings.

MSNBC has just recanted on like 4 news "possibilities" but there is definitely a school being evacuated due to a bomb in NYC near the WTO. They have it on video right now.

Still haven't seen video on the Pentagon on any of the major news channels so I'm getting skeptical about the veracity of that report.”


C. Hyde: “Yeah, they just recanted an earlier report about a car bomb outside the state department as well.”

Kim Hollis: “Pretty sure the Pentagon report is correct.”

Musubi: “ABC radio had a reporter live on scene that said she could see a portion of the Pentagon is collapsed.”

C. Hyde: “I saw film of the pentagon smoldering earlier, so that one is probably accurate.”

David Mumpower: “And there is CNN with the video. Part of the Pentagon has unbelievably collapsed.”

Lexy: “My dad just got home. Walked all the way to Chelsea. Thank goodness he was wearing his knee brace. Big fucking sigh of relief. Saw one of the towers go down.”

Kim Hollis: “Second plane was American Flight 77, a Boeing 757 from Dulles to LAX.”

Lexy: “I wonder what this portend's for my Thursday flight to NC, via Dulles. In fact, I wonder how soon air travel will be reinstated at all.”

Duke Fleed: “But from watching TV, I've seen at least two new smoke stacks close to where the WTC used to be, one of them major. Haven't heard anything official.”

C. Hyde: “Looks like the plane that crashed near pittsburgh was a United flight going from Newark to San Francisco.

Still nothing about the rumored 2nd plane out of Boston.”

Lexy: “My mother takes that flight about once a month.”

David Mumpower: “The planes themselves are a source of fascination to me. Were all these people on board already dead when the planes crashed?”

Ursine: “You'll never know until the black boxes are retrieved. My guess is not, but how in the world would they get the pilots to fly into a building??”

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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