BOP 9/11 Archive: Part One

By BOP Staff

September 12, 2011


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The next post is when the reality of the situation struck us. BOP had two contributors living in New York at the time. One of them, Woody, checked in almost immediately (thank God).

Woody: “I FUCKING SAW IT/THEM.” – 9:16 a.m.

Woody: “I'm all good. Holy shit this is fucked up. I was walking down hudson on my way to work. All the sudden i'm like, "that plane is awfully low and sounds like it's losing serious altitude." Next thing i know "BANG!!!" Fucking smoke everywhere. Then i'm standing in awe outside with all my coworkers when the second fucking plane hits right in front of us!” – 9:17 a.m.

C. Hyde: “Holy crap are you kidding me? Visual contact?

Watch out, they may have been filled with a genetically enhanced virus.”

Woody: “It was exactly like watching a movie.”

John Tree: “Wow. I was mentioning to my co-workers the previous time this happened in NYC (a military plane striking the Empire State building back in the '30s or '40s, I think). I can see one plane happening as a fluke, but *two*? That close together? That really seems suspicious.”

Reagen Sulewski: “That was the first thing I thought of too when I heard the first report on the radio on the way into work. Obviously, this is very very different.”


C. Hyde: “Two makes it pretty certain it's some sort of terrorist attack...what sort of political history does today have? It's the day salvador allende got killed, maybe it was chilean marxists?”

Feathers McGraw: “I would (check the news) if I could, but every single news site is currently swamped. I got the story from someone on IM that one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center was a hijacked 737. This is nightmarish.”

Ursine: “Try a 767.

"I'm working at home today, but Mrs. U is in the Federal Building in downtown Chicago. I've got CNN on and she's got it on her speakerphone for the folks at the office; I want her *out of there now*. There's still another plane up in Washington....”

Kim Hollis: “There's no confirmation of that, but the president has absolutely confirmed that this is a terrorist attack (am I saying stuff that you folks already know?). All bridges, tunnels and airports in the NYC area are closed now as well.”

Kim Hollis: “This is absolutely terrifying. Parts of the Pentagon are confirmed on fire...appears it's another suicide plane crash.”

Feathers: “Can anyone call Petronella?” – Editor’s note Petronella was our other New York resident at the time…she was silent for an unsettling period of time before finally checking in. Our entire staff was terrified for her safety.

Kim Hollis: “And none of us are supposed to know this, but we've had a plane shot down over Iraq as well. My source on this is somewhat less than reliable.” – Editor’s note: Kim worked at a newspaper at the time and for that and other reasons, had access to some information that was not being given to the general public yet.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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