Survivor: Nicaragua Recap

Glitter in Their Eyes

By Kim Hollis and David Mumpower

October 4, 2010

Jimmy T, is that you? Get off the line!

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Marty is just glad they’re finally going to be “playing the game.” He seems to be one of those Survivor people who believe the game isn’t worthwhile until people are eliminated. We’ve liked a lot of what he’s done in the first two episodes, but any time someone starts talking about how it would be better if their tribe had fewer people, we want to slap them. Prior to the merge, Survivor is a game of numbers. If your numbers dwindle, you are automatically losing.

It’s time to play It’s Anyone But Dan. Probst called him out during the challenge and he seems both mentally and physically exhausted. He is…old. And has at least one bad knee. We wondered why the tribe sat him for last week’s challenge, but it’s obvious tat he is a huge liability.

But wait. The editing suggests that Jimmy Johnson is in quite a bit of trouble. The concerns us, as well as the people at Nielsen (and CBS). What’s clear is that Marty is fantasizing about how much of a legend he’ll be if he is the person who eliminates Jimmy Johnson. Two of the other alpha males, Dan and Jimmy T., both have cause to go along with that plan. Dan is happy it’s someone other than him, while Jimmy T. is a Patriots fan and therefore hates the coach of the former Miami Dolphins. Tyrone is reticent to go along with the plan, as he wants to eliminate the weakest players so that the tribe gets better.


Although we’re clearly meant to believe that either Dan or Jimmy Johnson is going home, we have to believe that Dan is the vote tonight. The tribe is weaker without Jimmy Johnson.

At Tribal Council, Probst asks each member of Espada whether they believe they are one of the weakest players there. Most of them lie and say they are not. Jimmy Johnson says that he is. Uh oh.

And in fact, his tribe has judged him to be the weak link. Jimmy Johnson lasted three episodes with a huge target on his back, but he looks tired and it’s obvious that Espada’s failure in the challenge is largely being attributed to him. We find this ludicrous, but we’re not “Fire the Coach” people. Unfortunately, for Jimmy Johnson, Marty started the website on the first day at camp, and everyone - including Tyrone and the crazy woman who filled Dan’s shoes with sand - has bookmarked it. To our amazement, Jimmy Johnson is voted off, while Dan lives to compete in another episode. Marty believes he is in complete control of this tribe now…as does Jill. It’s not going to matter when they all get picked off over the next several votes.

Continued:       1       2       3       4



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