Monday Morning Quarterback Part II

By BOP Staff

August 17, 2010

I think we all know where Scott Rolen just got hit.

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Max Braden: Who's left for action? Van Damme, Steven Seagal, and Chuck Norris? I'll look for that movie to be quietly distributed through Redbox. I don't know about all-star genre casts, but Valentine's Day was another big ensemble movie that did well this year, so I don't think that approach is going to be dismissed in the future. What I'd pay to see though would be the actors doing a crossover movie with their characters. Thanks for ruining my hopes of Dirty Harry vs. Martin Riggs, Gibson. Jerk.


David Mumpower: This is the same situation as was the case with Grown Ups, Couples Retreat and the Ocean's X franchise. You could even throw Tropic Thunder into the conversation as well. Movie goers have sent a strong signal that they are much more willing to give a title the benefit of the doubt when it features innumerable name actors. While Reagen is correct that scheduling can be an issue, the reality is that most actors can find a couple of weeks out of any year to film a part in a film. With titles such as The Expendables, that's all that a lot of them need to make it work. In other instances such as with the afore-mentioned comedies, the job doubles as a family vacation with friends, which is equally appealing. I fully expect this trend to continue indefinitely, because it makes good business sense for all involved.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5       6



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