Monday Morning Quarterback Part II

By BOP Staff

January 27, 2009

Even Larry Fitzgerald can't believe most of BOP is predicting a Cardinals win.

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Sean Collier: As I write this from within the warm confines of my apartment, situated in the very heart of Pittsburgh, I feel that I can express little more than: "OH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" (For the sake of clarity, that should be read like Macho Man Randy Savage, not like the Kool-Aid Guy or Duffman.) Furthermore, I do pick the Steelers to win, in a closer game than some are expecting. With that, Pittsburgh will claim its sixth Super Bowl, and thus, be the undisputed and permanent greatest franchise in the history of ever, that's right, no, I would not like to hear your counter-arguments, Packers and Cowboys. No one disagree. Don't make me start chanting "Here We Go," now.

David Mumpower: Why is it that all of these discussions about the greatest NFL franchise never ever start with the Falcons?

Shane Jenkins: E-A-G-L... what? Oh. Never mind.

Tim Briody: After much consideration, I've weighed things carefully and decided that the coin flip will come up heads.

David Mumpower: Tim's a damned dirty liar. Everyone knows tails never fails.

Joel Corcoran: Cardinals by 10 over the Steelers, Bruce Springsteen puts on a halftime show almost as good as the U2 show from a few years back, and the Bears are in playoff contention next season.


Kevin Chen: Given the downturn in advertising budgets across the nation and worldwide, I fail to understand the question.

Jim Van Nest: I'm with David on this one. Pittsburgh has an awesome defense, but I don't think they're ready for what is starting to look like a new version of the "Greatest Show on Turf". Kurt Warner is back and when he's locked in, like he is right now, he doesn't usually lose. And Larry Fitzgerald is a beast. I'm still waiting for someone to stop him. I think it should be a good game, but the Cardinals can score points in bunches and if Pittsburgh isn't careful, the game could get away from them. Just ask Donovan about it.

Jamie Ruccio: Again, I'm with Jim. Having just a passing interest in this season, I had no idea who this Fitzgerald guy was. But the game I saw him in, he was running around the field, making catches like he was the only one on the field. He's a complete monster from what I can tell.

I don't care who wins, the teams I didn't want to see in the Superbowl are not playing...and...conversely the team I did want to see didn't make the playoffs. I just hope the game is good.

Continued:       1       2       3       4       5



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