Survivor: China
I'm Not As Dumb As I Look
By Jim Van Nest
November 2, 2007
Todd and Jean-Robert are talking about the vote and Todd says it should go Jamie, PG, Erik. Jean-Robert thinks they should go with PG first and he actually has a pretty good reason. He says that everyone knows Jamie is shady and no one will trust her. But PG is just starting to work over there. He even says she came up to him and put her arm around him and he was thinking, "Well this is all right." He tells Todd he doesn't WANT to feel alright with PG, so he wants her gone. He goes further to tell Todd that if he gets screwed over, he's holding Todd responsible, not Amanda. He also goes on to say that he'll be the most vindictive juror ever and that Todd will feel the wrath. JR seems to think that he, Todd and Amanda are the final three. Todd confirms that he'll say anything to keep JR on his side for right now, but that he has no plan to honor that final three-some.
Our next pow-wow is PG and Jamie. They're STILL wondering if James is sticking with them. Bwahaha! They confirm that they are voting for Jean-Robert. PG mentions that Courtney voted for him last time. Now the talk turns to whether or not Frosti can be trusted to come back to them. PG doesn't think so because Courtney and Frosti seem to have gotten very close here lately. They decide to pull Frosti aside to talk to him about things. Jamie and Erik head down that way and she tells Frosti all about the idol she has. He asks how she knows it's an idol and she tells the same story, but gives no details to suggest she actually has it. She's telling Frosti that Jean-Robert will be going home if everyone votes for her and she plays the idol. Frosti rationalizes that the worst thing that could happen is that JR would go home if she does have it. He also tells us that both tribes seem to think that he's with them and since he has the necklace, he's a serious swing vote at this point. Our next conversation is Jamie and Todd. She asks him about the immunity idol. He says he knows very little about it. She tries to deal with Todd that if he keeps her around, she'll help him out the idol on his tribe and that she knows who has the one on her tribe. Todd tells us, "Wow, does she have to catch up! She's on the small bike in the back, ya know, peddling as fast as she can." Jamie then tells us that she's really good at playing stupid and my, won't that opinion change when she plays the hidden immunity idol tonight?
We then see James trying to convince JR to vote with the tribe, even though he prefers to go with PG. James tells us that his tribe has to stay together and that JR might be dumb enough to vote for PG and Courtney might just vote for JR, "Cause she just wanna be hateful." He's a little concerned that his tribe may not stick together.