Introducing The Big Picture

BOP loves movies. BOP loves data about movies.

In the years since our inception, we have assembled one of the most comprehensive collections of data on film that you'll find. By now, you might have spent hours browsing through our Awards section. Our box office database is a popular destination for those researching current and historical box office takes. BOP's Release Schedule gives you the who, what and when of upcoming films.

With The Big Picture, we roll all of this data into one convenient package. For this project, we've assembled, on one page:

  • the upcoming films to which a star has been attached
  • a look back at his or her recent projects, including the box office data for those films
  • awards and nominations received
  • and some brief autobiographical and career notes. Beware, we may just slip a funny in there somewhere.

Now you'll be able to easily get an overview of Charlize Theron's career. Or compare the recent success of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.

You'll be able to access The Big Picture for talent through links in columns, as demonstrated above. Additionally, names of actors/actresses, screenwriters, and directors will be linked in the Vital Statistics grid at the bottom of each movie listing.

To begin with, we have prepared a Big Picture for the 150 biggest names currently in film. We'll add more over time. For those names not originally included in the initial 150, you will still be able to access their data through the links in Vital Statistics - their pages will just omit the career notes and a photograph.

Recently Added:

Stanley Tucci
Sigourney Weaver
Simon Pegg
Thomas Haden Church
Shia LaBeouf
Rob Schneider
Tilda Swinton
Sissy Spacek
Robert Duvall
Rupert Grint

Jessica Alba Amy Adams
Ben Affleck
Jessica Alba
Woody Allen
Jennifer Aniston
Darren Aronofsky
Kevin Bacon
Alec Baldwin
Christian Bale

Eric Bana Eric Bana
Antonio Banderas
Elizabeth Banks
Javier Bardem
Drew Barrymore
Jason Bateman
Michael Bay
Sean Bean
Kate Beckinsale
Kristen Bell

Gael Garcia Bernal Maria Bello
Monica Bellucci
Gael Garcia Bernal
Halle Berry
Jessica Biel
Brad Bird
Jack Black
Cate Blanchett
Orlando Bloom
Uwe Boll

Kate Bosworth Danny Boyle
Danny Boyle
Zach Braff
Kenneth Branagh
Abigail Breslin
Adam Brody
Adrien Brody
Pierce Brosnan
Sandra Bullock
Tim Burton

Jackie Chan Steve Buscemi
Amanda Bynes
Nicolas Cage
Michael Caine
James Cameron
Steve Carell
Jim Carrey
Cedric the Entertainer
Jackie Chan
Don Cheadle

Hayden Christensen Hayden Christensen
Michael Clarke Duncan
George Clooney
Glenn Close
Toni Collette
Chris Columbus
Jennifer Connelly
Chris Cooper
Frank Coraci
Kevin Costner

Daniel Craig Daniel Craig
Cameron Crowe
Russell Crowe
Billy Crudup
Tom Cruise
Penelope Cruz
Joan Cusack
John Cusack
Elisha Cuthbert
Matt Damon

Claire Danes Benicio Del Toro
Frank Darabont
Rosario Dawson
Daniel Day-Lewis
Robert De Niro
Benicio Del Toro
Judi Dench
Johnny Depp
Cameron Diaz
Leonardo DiCaprio

Chiwetel Ejiofor Vin Diesel
Peter Dinklage
Michael Douglas
Robert Downey Jr.
Hilary Duff
Kirsten Dunst
Robert Duvall
Clint Eastwood
Aaron Eckhart
Chiwetel Ejiofor

Cary Elwes Chris Evans
Chris Evans
Dakota Fanning
Anna Faris
Colin Farrell
Jon Favreau
Will Ferrell
Ralph Fiennes
David Fincher
Colin Firth

James Franco Jenna Fischer
Laurence Fishburne
Isla Fisher
Harrison Ford
Jodie Foster
Jamie Foxx
James Franco
Brendan Fraser
Morgan Freeman
James Gandolfini

Andy Garcia Richard Gere
Jennifer Garner
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Richard Gere
Ricky Gervais
Paul Giamatti
Mel Gibson
Terry Gilliam
Akiva Goldsman
Michel Gondry

Hugh Grant Cuba Gooding Jr.
Ryan Gosling
Hugh Grant
Rupert Grint
Jake Gyllenhaal
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Gene Hackman
Thomas Haden Church
Paul Haggis
Jackie Earle Haley

Tom Hanks Ethan Hawke
Ed Harris
Josh Hartnett
Anne Hathaway
Ethan Hawke
Salma Hayek
Jon Heder
Emile Hirsch
Dustin Hoffman
Philip Seymour Hoffman

Katie Holmes Katie Holmes
Anthony Hopkins
Djimon Hounsou
Bryce Dallas Howard
Ron Howard
Terrence Howard
Kate Hudson
Ice Cube
Hugh Jackman
Peter Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson Thomas Jane
Thomas Jane
Famke Janssen
Scarlett Johansson
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
Angelina Jolie
Tommy Lee Jones
Charlie Kaufman
Harvey Keitel
Nicole Kidman

Shia LaBeouf Val Kilmer
Ben Kingsley
Greg Kinnear
Keira Knightley
Beyonce Knowles
Johnny Knoxville
Ashton Kutcher
Shia LaBeouf
Diane Lane
Jude Law

Martin Lawrence Eugene Levy
Heath Ledger
Ang Lee
Jason Lee
Spike Lee
John Leguizamo
Eugene Levy
Jet Li
Laura Linney
LL Cool J

Michael Mann Lindsay Lohan
Alison Lohman
Jennifer Lopez
George Lucas
Baz Luhrmann
William H. Macy
Tobey Maguire
John Malkovich
David Mamet
Michael Mann

Steve Martin Eva Mendes
Rachel McAdams
Matthew McConaughey
Frances McDormand
Ewan McGregor
Ian McKellen
Ian McShane
Eva Mendes
Sienna Miller
Helen Mirren

Brittany Murphy Michelle Monaghan
Julianne Moore
Mandy Moore
Michael Moore
Viggo Mortensen
Carrie-Anne Moss
Brittany Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Bill Murray
Mike Myers

Liam Neeson Bill Nighy
Paul Newman
Jack Nicholson
Bill Nighy
Christopher Nolan
Nick Nolte
Edward Norton
Timothy Olyphant
Peter O'Toole
Clive Owen

Brad Pitt Al Pacino
Jared Padalecki
Gwyneth Paltrow
Robert Pattinson
Amanda Peet
Simon Pegg
Sean Penn
Michelle Pfeiffer
Joaquin Phoenix
Brad Pitt

Natalie Portman John C. Reilly
Parker Posey
Queen Latifah
Daniel Radcliffe
Aishwarya Rai
Sam Raimi
Brett Ratner
Robert Redford
Keanu Reeves
John C. Reilly

Tim Robbins Jean Reno
Ryan Reynolds
Ving Rhames
Christina Ricci
Alan Rickman
Tim Robbins
Julia Roberts
Chris Rock
Robert Rodriguez
Seth Rogen

Paul Rudd Rob Schneider
Mark Ruffalo
Winona Ryder
Adam Sandler
Peter Sarsgaard
Rob Schneider
Martin Scorsese
Campbell Scott
Ridley Scott
Seann William Scott

Jason Segel Tony Scott
Jason Segel
Martin Sheen
M. Night Shyamalan
Jessica Simpson
Bryan Singer
Kevin Smith
Will Smith
Steven Soderbergh
Aaron Sorkin

Sissy Spacek Sissy Spacek
Kevin Spacey
Steven Spielberg
Jason Statham
Julia Stiles
Ben Stiller
Oliver Stone
David Strathairn
Meryl Streep
Hilary Swank

Stanley Tucci Tilda Swinton
Quentin Tarantino
Audrey Tautou
Charlize Theron
Emma Thompson
Billy Bob Thornton
Uma Thurman
John Travolta
Stanley Tucci
Chris Tucker

Gabrielle Union Gabrielle Union
Vince Vaughn
Jon Voight
Mark Wahlberg
Christopher Walken
Denzel Washington
Ken Watanabe
Naomi Watts
Sigourney Weaver
Hugo Weaving

Bruce Willis Rachel Weisz
Forest Whitaker
Robin Williams
Bruce Willis
Luke Wilson
Owen Wilson
Kate Winslet
Reese Witherspoon
Elijah Wood
Renee Zellweger

Robert Zemeckis Robert Zemeckis
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Zhang Ziyi


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Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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